

  • 互動美語課程
  • 音樂課程
  • 多元課程




統整性課程經驗:及幼深知語言不只是溝通工具,更是孩子的思考工具,因此我們致力於培養孩子足夠的國語能力,以成為思考的基礎與工 具,而後擴展至美語等其他語言。依據教育部蒐集各國外語學習的資料顯示,小學三年級是大多數非英語系國家安排學習外語的起始期(亞洲鄰近國家,如日本、韓國、中國大陸均由小學三年級開始英語教學,其他歐洲非英語系國家如德國、法國也莫不由三年級或五年級開始英語教學);因之,一味將起點向下延伸並非智舉,宜將此階段的學習著重在統整性課程經驗。





Letters & Phonics

Review Aa ----Nn


circle, square, triangle, diamond, oval, rectangle, star, heart

Sentence Pattern

How many circles?

-One circle.  (two circles….)


I can make a heart
I can make a heart, how about you?
Make a heart like I do.
A big red heart, I’ll show you.
I can make a star, how about you?
Make a star like I do.
A tiny, shiny star I’ll show you.



Circle, triangle, diamond, square.
Circle, triangle, diamond, square.
Find two alike, find two alike.
Find two alike, and make a pair.
Oval, rectangle, oval, rectangle.
Don’t leave them out.
Don’t leave them out.
Find two alike, find two alike.
Find two alike, scream and shout.

Triangle, Circle, Square
What color is triangle, triangle , triangle (*2)
The triangle is ……
What color is circle, circle, circle (*2)
The circle is …….
What color is square. square. square (*2)

The square is …..
Sentence of  week Let’s count.      Let’s drew.



Letters & Phonics

Oo----otter,   Pp-----panda,     Qq-----question


Grapes, strawberries, cherries, oranges, papayas, blueberries, watermelons,  peaches.

Sentence Pattern

-Look! Grapes.
-Do you like grapes?

-Yes, I do.


Otter, otter, in the lake.
Otter, otter, swim and shake.
Panda, panda, black and white.
Sleepy panda say good night.
Question, question, answer me.
How many questions?

One, two, three.


I Like Fruit
I like fruit. Yes, I do.
They are sweet and good for you.
I like fruit. Yes, I do.
And I like fruit more than you.
No, you don’t!
Yes, I do! And I like fruit more than you!
I like grapes.  I do, too!
I like grapes more than you. No, you don’t!
Yes, I do! And I like grapes more than you!
(Substitute: cherries, strawberries, oranges, papayas…….
Apples on Parade
Apples stand up,   1, 2, 3, 4 (x4),  apples sit down.
Oranges stand up,   1, 2, 3, 4 (x4),  oranges sit downs
Banana stand up,   1, 2, 3, 4 (x4),  bananas sit down.
Pears stand up,   1, 2, 3, 4 (x4),  Pears sit down.
Apples, oranges, bananas, pears, everyone stand up
1, 2, 3, 4 (x4)

Sentence of week It’s delicious!



Letters & Phonics

Rr---rice,  Ss---snake,     Tt----tiger


Rabbit, turtle, guinea pig, goldfish, bird, kitten

Sentence Pattern

  -Do you have a pet, Julia?

-Yes, I do.


Umbrella, umbrella, rainy sky.
Open an umbrella. Keeps me dry.
Vegetable, vegetable, We must eat.
Healthy, healthy, head to feet.
Worm, worm, crawl all day.

Here comes a birdy.  Crawl away!


Do you have a pet?
Do you have a pet? Yes, I do.
I have a bird, she will sing for you.
Do you have a pet? Yes, I do.
I have a turtle, he is only two.
Do you have a pet? Yes, I do.
I have a kitten, she hides in my shoes.
Do you have a pet? Yes, I do.
I have a rabbit, he has the flu.
Do you have a pet? Yes, I do.
I have a goldfish, her name is Sue.
Do you have a pet? Yes, I do.
I have a guinea pig ,he is feeling blue.
Baby Bumblebee
I bring home my babybumble bee
Would my mommy be so proud of me. (x2)
Ouch, it stunk me.

Sentence of week I’m finished eating. ( Happy Mother’s Day)



Letters & Phonics

Uu---umbrella,   Vv---vegetable,   Ww---worm


Ride a bike, fly a kite, swim, rollerblade, jump rope, hit a ball

Sentence Pattern

-Can you swim?

-Yes, I can.  (No, I can’t.)


Fox, fox, run, run, run.
Here comes a farmer, with a gun!
Yam, yam, hot, hot, hot.
We like yams, a lot, lot, lot.
Zipper, zipper, up and down.

Keeps your pants, from falling down.


Let’s Play
Fly a kite, fly a kite.  It’s so fun.
Up, up, up, up, up, up,
To the sun.
Ride a bike, ride a bike,. Go so fast.
Down the hell, down the hill,
Don’t be last.
Hit a ball, hit a ball.  Hit so high.
Take a swing, take a swing,
Watch it fly.
I jump rope, I jump rope.  Up and down.
I jump rope, I jump rope,
All over town.
Rollerblade, rollerblade.  Look! No ice!
Spin around, spin around,
It’s so nice.
roll the Ball
Pass the ball, pass the ball,
1. slowly, slowly, move the ball,
careful that it does not fall,
slowly, slowly, on we go.

2. faster, faster, move the ball.
Sentence of week

-Here you are.

-Thank you.



Letters & Phonics

Xx---fox,  Yy---yam,  Zz---zipper


Living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, dining room & garage

Sentence Pattern

-Where is Julia?

-She is in the living room.


Rice, rice, I like rice.
Rice, rice, tastes so nice.
Snake, snake, ,run away.
Never, ever safe to play.
Tiger, tiger,, orange and black.

Tiger, tiger, coming back!


In My Home
I take a bath in the bathroom (x3)
I take a bath in the bathroom.
Where do you go to sleep?
I go to sleep in the bedroom (x3)
I go to sleep in the bedroom
Where do you watch TV?
I watch TV in the living room, (x3)
I watch TV in the living room.
Where do you cook your dinner?
I cook my dinner in the kitchen (x3).
Where do you eat your dinner?
I eat my dinner in the dining room (x3)
I eat my dinner in the dining room.
Where do you park your car?
I park my car in the garage (x3)
I park my car in the garage.
I park my bike there, too.
Where is Dad?
Where is Dad? Where is Dad? Where is Dad, now?
He is in the kitchen. He is in the kitchen, now.
2. Where is mom? She is in the living room.
3. Where is Dan? He is in the bedroom.
4. Where is Ellen? She is in the bathroom.

5. Where are you? I am in the …….
Sentence of week

I’m full.






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